

segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2011

Is the Indian Embassy field biologically diverse?

Based on our Simpson Index, the index of diversity is .905. This represents a biologically diverse ecosystem but this information may be misleading. This is so, because we chose some of the most populated areas of the field, not considering the earth spaces. With this, since our number of samples were small and clearly populated, our results may have been compromised. A solution to this is that we could have had one or two groups consider the parts that had few plants and studied how this would affect our diversity rate. Never the less, I believe that even if we had considered the earth spaces, our diversity rate would still be low, meaning, high diversity. I believe this because there were few earth spaces amidst tall, small, green, dry plants, that all together compose the field of the Indian Embassy and allowed us to observe over 50 species.

Um comentário:

  1. That is a great analysis. Your identification of the shortcomings of our data and their relative insignificance is very well done.
